Главная » 2011»Январь»28 » President Yanukovych signed a binding law, show logo
President Yanukovych signed a binding law, show logo
28.01.2011 16:09
Now, according to the rules of the new law, airtime channels are not only the program and transfer, but any audio-visual information. It is this question in the law the signature Yanukovych, and now TV channels must show identifying information (logo), during commercials.
These innovations have been adopted by legislators on Jan. 11, 2011 g, and for him voted for 302 MPs. The purpose of the bill called - Improved system for monitoring compliance of advertising that is broadcast on television, according to Ukrainian legislation and the requirements of public morality.
Recall that earlier, the channels could not use its logo during the broadcast advertising, for the reason that advertising is not a proper product of the channel. This greatly complicates the process of appealing advertising that does not comply with Ukrainian law, or violates it.
As previously not been possible to bind a particular advertisement to a particular channel and bring him to justice, is now under a new law that is no problem.
I would like to notice that earlier, television stations were required to use during the broadcast of programs and broadcasts its own logo, but the body of the organization referred to, that advertising is not their own product, and therefore does not apply to the concepts of "program" or "transfer".
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