Employees of Darmstadt Technical University, located in Germany, invented a new kind of satellite dishes that are based on specific liquid-crystal matrices.
The developers claim that the phased-array antenna used for receiving the signal from the satellite, is not sufficiently effective in technical terms. They are obsolete, since changing its orientation is too slow and not always kept pace with the movements of the satellite. However, there are very expensive, so the researchers decided to create a more economical and technically perfect analogue. In the liquid crystal antennas, according to the information resource Gizmag, the principle of reception of satellite signals at once all the cells of the matrix. At the same weak phase of the signal is automatically amplified in order to avoid loss of information during the reception.
Now, German scientists are not yet ready to commercialize their development, as long as they are busy testing it in various conditions. In other words, before you start using the technology they have invented it will take some time. Now employees Darmstadt University of Technology are studying the properties of the first working prototype of a four-LCD cells. At the same time their colleagues are working to create a 16x16 matrix. The Germans believe that their invention can be used in various branches of science and technology, as well as the development of military technology. But most of all, they want an LCD antennas are used in vehicles with built-in navigation system and burglar alarm systems based on GPS.
The size of the automotive antennas based on the liquid crystal matrix, as calculated by the authors of the present invention will be quite small, and its thickness does not exceed five millimeters. The main advantage of such antennas, according to analysts - is a complete absence of moving parts, as well as the ability to instantly adapt to the satellites. If we take into account the financial implications, the production cost of a LCD antenna is not very high, because it will involve technology of production of LCD displays. The ultimate cost of the antenna will depend on the size of the matrix.
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